Fast lane driving rules

Fast lane was specially designed to allow the WHSD users to drive through toll plazas at speed up to 30 km/hr without making stop to pay toll.

How Fast Lane works

How to drive through Fast lane

Before you start driving:
  • Make sure that your tag is placed inside your car at the windscreen behind rear-view mirror
  • check your account and make sure there is enough money for the trip
While driving through the toll plaza
  • Follow the road signs and keep safe distance 
  • You can drive through the fast lane as soon as the barrier lifts and the traffic light is green.
  • If the barrier is closed when you approach to it, contact our dispatcher by pressing the button located at the counter before the barrier.

Please note!

Fix your transponder according to the instruction
Keep your plate numbers clean
Keep an account balance positive

Flow+ toll collection system

Flow + is a toll collection system that allows transponder users to pay the trip not according to the tariff zones, but more correctly from the entrance on WHSD to the exit.


Transponder users have their own tariffs for each possible route - Basic tariffs "Transponder". Transponder users always pay for the exact route, not for the entire tariff zone, set fares lower than those paid in cash by a one-time road user for the same route.

The most convenient way is to use the tariff calculator on the site. Just choose entry point on the highway and the exit point, payment method, trip time (day/night), vehicle class, and the calculator will show how much the trip will cost.